McVeety Accounting Services is outstanding. Customer Service is excellent. I would highly recommend this business to anyone.
North Bay, Ontario

I have known Kim for the past four years; as a fellow community member, and as a client to her business McVeety Accounting Services. Kim is a young woman of integrity and honesty. Few women who fall into Kim’s age range have done so much for their community and community members as she has.
Nipissing, Ontario

Kim is very intelligent and will give you the "Best" customer service you deserve!!!
Toronto, Ontario

Had the opportunity to see Kim work with other clients.... She maintains a professional demeanour, even with the different personalities, different engagements, and demanding client​s. They expect Kim to drop everything on a dime when they call and show up, and Kim can always be depended on to do just that.
S & L. S.
North Bay, Ontario

Kim is such a bubbly personality and a wonderful person!!!!
Trout Creek, Ontario